Duty Time Limitations

With all the overtime being worked in almost every shop and dock across the Tulsa Maintenance Base, and some even being forced to work their days off, don’t forget about duty time limitations. Though the company is supposed to take some responsibility in preventing you from violating FAR 121.377, the company will not protect you from discipline from FAA .

Therefore, keep track of your time. Make sure the company posts the ATA 231 Duty Time Limitation Report during the third and fourth week of each calendar month per our contract. Pocket calenders are available at the hall and grievance office if you need one to help keep track of work schedules.

Federal Aviation Regulations

Sec. 121.377 — Maintenance and preventive maintenance personnel duty time limitations.

Within the United States, each certificate holder (or person performing maintenance or preventive maintenance functions for it) shall relieve each person performing maintenance or preventive maintenance from duty for a period of at least 24 consecutive hours during any seven consecutive days, or the equivalent thereof within any one calendar month.

TWU/AA Contract Article 6 Overtime

(k) The parties recognize the obligations of both employees and the Company under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 121.377, which requires that all maintenance personnel performing maintenance must have at least four (4), twenty-four (24) hour periods off per calendar month. The FAA requires the Company to report duty time violations and has indicated that they will pursue violations with both the employee and the Company.

(1) The Company shares the responsibility to monitor duty time limits, and the employee shares the responsibility to notify local management of possible 121.377 violations upon the proffer of day off overtime. The employee will not be charged for overtime if such proffer would put him in violation of FAR 121.377.

(2) If, at the direction of the Company, the employee is forced to work at a time during the calendar month that would result in a violation of this FAR, the employee will be granted the required time off and considered to be on an authorized absence with pay (AA).

(3) If an employee has not had the required time off during the calendar month and is in jeopardy of violating this FAR, he may not be eligible for day off work and may be required to take additional time off. This time off may be an authorized absence (TL) without pay or vacation time (VC, PV, or FV) at the employee’s option.

(4) No employee will be required to utilize his vacation time to comply with this FAR without his consent.

(5) The Company will assist an employee in monitoring his time off by posting the ATA 231 Duty Time Limitation Report during the third and fourth week of each calendar month. An employee may examine this report so as to better monitor his own personal time off.