Legislative Update: April 13, 2012

 House Bill 2155 by Steele creates the “Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act.”  This bill allows corporations with excessive claims to opt-out of workers’ compensation, which would drive up costs for corporations that do not have that option.  We oppose this bill.  It was voted from committee on 4-3-12 and will most likely be heard on 4-17-12.  Click here to view a comparison of benefits between workers compensation and the proposed bill.


Call your Senator and ask them to
vote against HB 2155!

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House Bill 2258 by Sherrer, directs the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Workers’ Compensation Court, and Employment Security Commission to share information to stop payroll fraud.  Senator Newberry amended the bill with language to stop contractor payroll fraud.  We support this bill.  It was voted from Senate Business & Commerce Committee on 3-29-12.

House Bill 2320 by Randy McDaniel involving the Firefighters pension.  All parties reached an agreement that will bring the Firefighters Pension Fund funding up to an exceptional level.  We support this bill.  It was voted from committee on 4-4-12.

House Bill 2714 by Jackson extends the sunset clause for the Oversight Committee for State Employee Charitable Contributions until July 1, 2016.  We support this bill.  It was voted from committee on 4-4-12.

House Bill 3043 by Osborn created the “Fair and Open Competition in Government Construction Act.”  This act would prohibit Project Labor Agreements.  We are opposed to this bill.  It was voted from Senate Business & Commerce Committee on 3-29-12.

House Bill 3111 by Hickman originally omitted payroll deductions for membership dues from state employees and teachers.  Language has changed to allow payroll deductions but adds the actual administrative costs for electronic deductions up to 2%.  It was voted from Senate General Government Committee 3-26-12.

Senate Bill 1378 by Bingman creates the “Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act.”  This bill allows corporations with 50 or more employees to opt-out of workers’ compensation, which would drive up costs for corporations that do not have that option.  We oppose this bill.  It was not heard in committee so it is dead pursuant to the rules, 4-13-12.

Senate Bill 1522 by Rob Johnson authorized employer to terminate employees who are not able to return to work one year after injury.  This would cause employees to lose some of their workers’ compensation benefits.  We oppose this bill.  It was not heard in committee so it is dead pursuant to the rules, 4-13-12.


How a bill becomes a law.


                 Oklahoma AFL-CIO
501 N.E. 27th St Oklahoma City, OK 73105
www.okaflcio.org  |  media@okaflcio.org 