Letter from Sam Cirri, President TWU 514

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today Judge Lane made his decision to place AA’s restructuring Final Last Best Offer as our Current Bargaining agreement. Since November 2011, we have all been living and working under some very stressful conditions. Today will be the Date of Signing. Any raises will be effective as of September 12, 2012.

I want to take this time to thank all of you who have been staying informed and passing on accurate information throughout our membership.

American Airlines had published incorrect numbers related to the up and coming RIF. We are working to get these back to what was agreed to in negotiations that lead up to the LBFO.

I am sure we will be challenged daily by all the restructuring changes. Remember, AA believes there will be a value to all that will be implemented. You need to stay involved and be sure to stay in communication with your shop stewards.

There will be many of our brothers and sisters leaving or changing positions. We need to stay focused. Most of these members will be forced to decide which way they will go and many will not have any part in making that decision. Please support them in all situations. If you see a need where we can help, be sure to notify your shop steward.

Committees have been formed to deal with the contractual changes which go into effect after base closure.

As always, keep an eye on the TWU514.org website for any updates. Call the hall and have them add your phone to our texting list and give them your email address to be added to our news list.

We post on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twu514 and Twitter: http://twitter.com/twulocal514


Sam Cirri
TWU Local 514 President