This year the TWU514 is taking part in helping out 106.1 the Twister, Natalie Cash and Channel 2 News in helping gather one thousand sixty one (1061) bikes for Tulsa area youth to be provided to 5 charities for distribution. Salvation Army, Owasso Community Resources, Toys for Tots, Tulsa Bike Club and Family Children’s Services.
TWU514 donated 30 bicycles in this event and look to partner with the Twister 106.1 and Channel 2 News next year into bringing awareness to this amazing event and support the Tulsa Area Community.

Left to Right
B.J. Rackers, Marla Johnson, Santa, Don McCormick, Tracy Hardin, Terry Buck
Special thanks to the TWU514 membership in approving the money and allowing us to be a part of Operation Bikes For Kids. We look forward to future community service events with our membership being involved.