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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
June 2017 Shop Steward Meeting – Monday, June 12
JCBA Negotiations Update, May 26th, 2017
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Military Weekend
Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium Military Weekend June 10 & 11th, 2017 Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium 3624 N. 74th East Avenue (West of Hwy 169 on 46th St. North) 918-834-9900 Join us in Honoring All Military Veterans during the 100th Anniversary…
Local 514 – Recording Secretary Update, May 23, 2017
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Title I, Chairman’s Update, May 23, 2017
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9th Circuit affirms lower court decision on equity lawsuit.. May 22, 2017
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