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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Mechanic and Related and Fleet Service Negotiating Committee Update
Transport Union President Slams American Airlines: Is This How Business Is Done?
Washington, D.C. – Following yesterday’s announcement of the closing of Texas Aero Engine Service Limited (TAESL), a joint American Airlines – Rolls Royce engine repair facility in Fort Worth, Texas, that will result in the loss of as many as 500 union jobs, Transport Workers Union of America International President Harry Lombardo issued the following…
Union Made Safe Room Giveaway
Southern Safe Room to be given away to a union member Sheet Metal Workers Local 270 and the NE Oklahoma Central Labor Council have come together to give away a 4’ x 6’ Safe Room (typical retail $4,500) from Southern Safe Rooms, the only Union Made safe rooms in the state. These steel reinforced safe…
Letter from ATD Director Garry Drummond on the “Delta Plus” Statement
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Meet with Fidelity about the new 401(k) investment menu – September 25th
Benefits 2016 Information
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