As you may recall, on July 6, 2012. AMR filed a complaint asking the bankruptcy court to declare that none of AMR’s current retirees (both union or non-union) have a vested right to retiree medical benefits. AMR asserts that under ERISA, the health and welfare benefits the debtors provide to current retirees (including TWU…
Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
AA Bankruptcy – Court Update Mar 19, 2013
Testimony on Bankruptcy Reform
TWU Int’l President James C. Little spoke on Thursday, March 14, at the Field Hearing of the ABI Commission to Study the Reform of Chapter 11 addressing the airline companies’ use of bankruptcy laws to undermine their contractual obligations to the workers and urgency for reform. President Little testified, alongside other labor unions, that labor…
Letter from Little to Hoffa, March 14, 2013
Dear President Hoffa, I recently received reports from the field that one of your organizers was found forging the names of American Airlines M&R employees on IBT authorization cards. I asked my staff to investigate this matter. they have reported that a source inside the teamster headquarters has confirmed these allegations, and I have also…
Questions and Answers – March 14, 2013
Question: How does the 4.8% equity stake pay out? Answer: Depending on instructions from the Bankruptcy Court, a combination of stock and/or cash will be provided to the TWU for distribution to members, amongst the seven classes or crafts. Question: What makes up the 4.8% equity stake? Answer: The stake is equivalent to 4.8% of…
Serious Accident – Member, Kevin Harris
To all, If you all have not heard or been notified we had one of our brothers, Kevin Harris, who was involved in a very serious accident yesterday shortly after 5PM here in Tulsa. He was involved in a fall from an elevated height while working on a dock located outside Hanger 1B & 1C. He was transported…
AA/AE Bankruptcy Court Update Mar 12, 2013
As we previously posted, AMR filed a motion for approval to enter into a 12-year capacity purchase agreement with Republic Airline Inc. (“Republic”). Capacity purchase agreements between major carriers and regional partners are one approach airlines use to provide regional feed services. Under such arrangements, the major carrier generally purchases the entire capacity of…