
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Safety Management Systems NPRM (Docket number FAA-2021-0419)

Dear Acting Administrator Nolen, On behalf of more than 155,000 members of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), the largest union of U.S. airline workers, I am writing in response to the above referenced rule making. TWU members include aircraft mechanics (both line and overhaul), flight attendants, ground service workers, dispatchers, pilot instructors, and…

April 2023 Membership Meetings Changed to Thursday April 27

THURSDAY, April 27, 2023 TIME: 7:15 AM 11:45 AM 3:45 PM Place: TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street, Tulsa, OK 74116 Agenda Regular Order of Business Vote on Election Board Vote on Motions for Bylaw Changes 2304-0-03 Article 1(b) This Local shall be affiliated with the Oklahoma State AFL-CIO, and such other central bodies and…

Rumors from the Floor

TWU LOCAL 514 MEMBERS: I have not been notified by the Company or any Union official that the Company wants to open negotiations and give Tulsa a pay raise to eliminate Shift Swaps. Also, there are absolutely no conversations that I’ve heard of about an early-out package. These are rumors that I constantly get calls…