Steward elections have been postponed. The Election committee requested that shop steward elections be postponed for 45 to 60 days because of the large movement of shops and members. It just does not make sense to hold elections for many of the areas at this time because the elected steward could be placed in a…
Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Shop Steward Elections
Health Matters
Are you ready to commit to good health this year? Healthmatters Quest screenings are an excellent opportunity to check up on your health and accomplish your Healthmatters goals to earn up to $250 in 2013! The Tulsa Base will host the first Healthmatters Quest screening of the year on January 23 in the Blood Bank…
United Way Basic and Advance Union Counselor Training Course for 2013
These classes begin on February 12 and will continue for the next six Tuesday evenings. Each class will be two and a half hours in duration beginning at 6:00 PM and concluding by 8:30 PM in the Bailey Room at the Tulsa Area United Way. A graduation banquet will be held following the final session…
USAir Merger
Because of press coverage of AA/US Airways merger talks, the ATD received numerous phone calls and e mails asking why the TWU does not have a Memorandum of Understanding with AA on seniority integration as the APA and APFA apparently do. However, unlike the flight attendants, the TWU represents 5 title groups (and several other…
Digs for Dogs Program needs your help !!
This project allows old trash cans to be converted into dog houses for people that need them for their pets. Pet owners are wanting doghouses faster than are being made. They are needing volunteers and a couple of trucks to help clean the plastic containers and transport back to the animal shelter. Volunteers please come…
Aircraft maintenance: Level the playing field
SOURCE: Tulsa World By JAMES C. LITTLE The Tulsa-based American Airlines mechanics and related work groups can outperform anyone else in the country when it comes to speed and quality. Even after all the heartache and sacrifice caused by the American Airlines’ bankruptcy, more maintenance work is done in-house in Tulsa than is performed at…