
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

TWU Title III & IV Early Out window and revocation extension

As a result of Judge Lane’s decision to defer the APFA ruling until after the vote results on August 19, it has been decided that the Early Out window for TWU Title III (Fleet Service Clerks) and Title IV (Ground Service Employees) will be extended through Sunday, August 19th at 23:59 CST.  Additionally, the revocation letter window will…

Sam Cirri’s Letter to the Membership

By now, everyone knows the results of the vote. Local 514’s results for M&R was 74% Yes to 26% No. For Stores, it was 89% Yes and 11% No. Dealing with this bankruptcy process has put a lot of stress on all of us and our families and, yet, we still have a lot of…

APA members reject tentative agreement

posted on August 08, 2012 12:39 APA INFORMATION HOTLINE This is APA Communications Director Gregg Overman with the APA Information Hotline for Wednesday, Aug. 8. APA MEMBERS REJECT TENTATIVE AGREEMENT: Shortly after voting ended at noon Central Daylight Time today, Ballot Point certified the following results in the tentative agreement vote: 2,935 pilots voted for…

letter from James Little about TA ratification results

Dear Brothers and Sisters: As I stated in our press release, there is legitimate frustration associated with this entire bankruptcy process, which is designed to facilitate concessions and to ensure the reorganization of the debtor, rather than advance the interests of working people. That is how it has worked in every airline bankruptcy. Our goal…

AA M&R and Stores Membership Dear Brothers and Sisters – August 3, 2012

These are extraordinarily difficult and unprecedented times for TWU/AA members. Never before has organized labor on the property at American Airlines been in such a challenging position. We are currently facing the the threat of abrogation of our contract in bankruptcy court, as well as possible mergers, acquisition, or other corporate transactions involving the carrier.…