The American Airlines Ground School Instructors ratified their agreement Friday September 16 2011; however the Sim Technicians rejected theirs by a wide margin. There are no further talks scheduled at this time. We will keep you updated on any changes. Thank you for your support.
Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Ground School Instructors Ratified Agreement
Senator Coburn has released his hold on the FAA Extension!!!
We had reported earlier today in our Informer Issue 39, that FAA HELD HOSTAGE AGAIN, and that we urged you to respond to Coburn’s Office to have him stop this. It was just reported to me from Joe McGill, TWU 514 Executive Board Member at Large, that Senator Coburn has released his hold on the FAA Extension. Thanks…
Officers Assigned Areas, 9-14-2011
Recording Secretary Mary Gorremans Long Term Disability 918 384-9483 Maintenance Chair John Hewitt Maintenance 918 694-8734 Stores Chair Dan Mitchell Stores 918 645-0027 Fleet Service Chair Debbie Tiller Fleet and Ground Service 918 859-4795 Plant Maintenance Chair John Carlisle Plant Maintenance 918 859-4797 Tech Spec Chair Jason Best Maintenance Control Tech. 918 859-4802 Executive Board…
TWU Night at Port City Raceway
Saturday, September 24 7:00 PM 15625 East Pine Street Tulsa, Oklahoma Six classes of 600cc micro midgets. Racing on an oval, dirt, high-banked track!!! Concession available! COME & ENJOY THE FUN!!! Bring your TWU membership card or your AA badge and receive free admission for your whole family! For more information phone (918) 438-7856 Sam…
Transport Workers Union Members From Across The U.S. in D.C. to Support Obama’s Jobs Plan
Washington — In a strong showing of grass roots support for President Obama’s “American Jobs Act,” Transport Workers Union (TWU) members from Akron, Columbus, New York, Omaha, San Francisco and other cities will be on Capitol Hill this week to lobby in favor of the legislation, which includes $50 billion to upgrade America’s road, rails…
Cookout, All You Can EAT!!!!! September 14th
Join us @ the TULSA AREA UNITED WAY parking lot (1430 S. Boulder) on Wednesday,September 14th (11:00 – 1:00)for a cookout! $7 gets you: 1 bag of chips 1 bag of cookies 1 can of soda OR 1 bottle of water All you can eat burgers and hot links! *100% of proceeds to benefit the…