
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Thunder Football FREE Admission for TWU members – August 6th Game!

The Oklahoma Thunder Football team extends an invitation to the members and families of TWU to a —free family night out— This Saturday August 6. Come watch the Thunder play the Kansas Diamondbacks. Game time is 7 pm at the LaFortune Stadium 5480 S. Hudson,     This is an Out-Door event. The Oklahoma Thunder…

Transport Workers Fight to Keep American Airlines Jobs in Tulsa

Representatives of the Transport Worker Union Local 514 today appealed to local and state elected leaders to help keep more than 230 maintenance control technician positions and related jobs in Tulsa, rather than relocate them to Dallas as planned by American Airlines. Relocation of the jobs would mean the loss of about $14.6 million in…

Lunch with AA Vendors

It has been brought to the attention of the local that there have been a few union members going out to lunch, accepting shirts, hats and other favors from American Airlines vendors. This is NOT appropriate behavior from our union members. At this point in time, with all that is going on in contracting out…

Thoughts of a Retiree

Places like Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, are passing laws that are prohibiting public workers from having unions. Maybe some of our reactions would be, “that’s to bad for them.” If we think the elected officials are going to stop at public employees, we would stand as being wrong. The war prisoners in Europe during WWII could tell…

Congress Must Not Go on Summer Vacation Before Funding our Aviation System

“At this moment, 4,000 aviation workers are not collecting a paycheck and more than 70,000 construction workers’ jobs are at risk because Congress is playing ideological games. If Congress packs up and goes home for the summer without passing a clean extension of the FAA bill, these workers won’t be able to provide for their…