
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Contractually Speaking

Recently, American Airlines started notifying Employees of awarded transfers electronically through e-mail or on Jetnet. Some members found out that their transfer rights have been suspended for 12 months due to not accepting a station transfer they were awarded, but they had not seen a notification of the award. When a TWU officer gets involved…

12(m) Upgrades to Mechanic

This is to confirm our understanding regarding the question that arose as a result of the settlement letter dated October27, 2010 regarding 12(m) upgrades to a Line Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) position. The question centered on the applicability for 12(m) transferrequests for an AMT at the Overhaul Bases from non-OSM classifications. As you know,…

Raffle for Tool Box

On January 10, 2011 at the regular scheduled Shop Stewards meeting, packets of raffle tickets will be issued to all Shop Stewards for the tool box of Neil Mason, a Facilities Maintenance Mechanic who passed away on April 22, 2010 at age 70. Neil was hired in 2000, took a leave of absence on March…

TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Mediation Update 12-09-10

The full TWU Maintenance and Related (M&R) NegotiatingCommittee reconvened at the TWU ATD office in Hurst, TexasDecember 9, 2010. Present at this meeting were TWU economistJohn Donnelly and TWU ATD Director Garry Drummond.Donnelly began an economic analysis of the TWU M&R Articles.

Stores Negotiations Update – 12/10/10

The TWU Stores Negotiating Committee reconvened at the TWU- ATD office in Hurst, Texas for meetings from December 8, 2010 through December 10, 2010. The 3-Day meeting was spent preparing for next week’s session in Mediation. This will be the first session with American Airlines since the May, 2010 Tentative Agreement was resoundingly rejected.

Sam Says!

Dear Brother’s and Sister’s, Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I would like to wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. During this Thanksgiving holiday and the weekend I was able to take time to think about what has transpired over the last six weeks and at the last membership…