
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Help TWU Send Aid to Haiti

The people in Haiti and their families here in the United States and around the world need our help. Tuesday’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti has brought the country to its knees and left it reeling for any and all kind of aid. TWU International President James C. little established the TWU Disaster Relief Fund to…

TWU 514 Volunteers Needed…..

TWU,   Local  514  is  requesting  at  least  one  volunteer  per  shop  to  participate  in  the  American   Heart   Association’s   Heart   Walk   on   Saturday,   April   10,   2010. Details and Walk forms will be provided for Volunteers no later than March 1, 2010.

The TE has been lifted

The Transportation Emergency that was declared at 1500 on Wednesday, December 24, 2009, by MD Mark Easton has been lifted as of 0900 on Saturday, December 26, 2009.  Mark Easton – TE – 09.1226- in PDF This is applicable to the Tulsa M&E Base and its outlying Tulsa locations.  Any other locations are governed by…

Annual Tulsa Base Closure Travel Emergency

Transportation Emergency 122409 – PDF All, In light of the current weather conditions in Tulsa, as well as the road conditions around the state, I am going to go ahead and issue a travel emergency for the Tulsa Base.   The emergency will be in effect from 1500 hrs December 24, 2009 through 1200 hours December…