Parker Tour of TULE on Friday 2-28-14 – – Agenda


Doug Parker will be leaving shortly after the town hall meeting for a prior obligation in Dallas.  However, we have set aside time for the Officers to meet with Robert Isom and David Seymour.

Feel free to visit with the tour as they pass through these areas. Due to time constraints  the tour will not be able to cover all areas.

Time  Activity Contact
•0900 – 0920 Tour TEO Bldg – CFM56-7 Wayne Thomas
•0925 – 0950 Tour Acft Ovhl – B737 Brian Trujillo
Ribbon cutting to new 1B
Prod Cntl Center – 1A/1B
•0955 – 1010 Tour Warehouse Dave Foster
•1015 – 1040 Tour CAM Bldg – Comp Shop Norm Miller
•1045 – 1155 Town Hall – All EEs David Stewart
•1500 – 1530 Meet/Greet – TWU Local 514 Ashle ,  Robert, and David

Parker Tour Friday 2-28-14 in PDF