Register to Vote on National Voter Registration Day


Tomorrow, September 23, is National Voter Registration Day. There are a lot of offices up for grabs this year – including 36 U.S. Senators, 435 U.S. Representatives, 36 governors and thousands of seats in state legislatures.

Over the next two years, elected officials in Washington, D.C. will vote on the aviation bill, transit legislation, the Amtrak Reauthorization and labor rights. They will make decisions that impact your salary, workplace safety and job security.

The only way to make your voice heard in November is by registering to vote. Use our voter registration site if it’s your first time registering, you’re not sure if you need to register, you moved, your name changed, you need to look up your state’s guidelines or to find your polling place.

This November, you can have a say in who represents you on Capitol Hill and in the State House. It’s really important that you register and get out to vote on Election Day, November 4.