Retirement Councilor, Mark Loeber to have Informational Meetings for Local 514 Members

Retirement Councilor, (918)491-0079

TWU Retirement Councilor, Mark Loeber to have Informational Meetings for Local 514 Members on February 19, 2019.

They will be held in the Town Hall meeting room in hangar 3 and 4.

Meeting times will be:

  • 12:45pm
  • 3:15 pm

We ask that if you attend, Please be on your own time.


About Mark Loeber:

Transport Workers Union, Local 514 provides this retirement, benefits and financial planning service for you as a member. Mark’s services are underwritten by TWU in order to serve our members with matters such as:


  •     Pension Benefits
  •     Retiree Medical and Supplemental Medical
  •     Golden Wings Supplemental Medical
  •     TWU Life Insurance Benefits
  •     American Airlines Stock Options
  •     Reviews your forms and the procedures for processing your retirement paperwork as requires by AA Human Resources and 401(K) loans and other related issues.

The Advancement Group
7315 S Lewis Ave
Tulsa, OK 74136
Phone: 918 491-0079
Fax: 918 491-0087