The Executive Board met yesterday at 1:00 pm to continue the hearing of the Chairman of Stores, Dan Mitchell, under Article XXI of the TWU Constitution. The Executive Board listened to testimony, evaluated evidence, and ultimately concluded the hearing at approximately 10:00 pm.

Under the TWU Constitution Article XXI, the Executive Board had to make a determination on whether to reinstate, remove, or take other appropriate actions based on the evidence at hand. The Executive Board has found that a violation did occur, but ultimately decided to not remove Dan Mitchell as Chairman of Stores. Instead, the Executive Board decided to take other appropriate actions. These actions include but are not limited to the following:

1) He will be returned to his shop; on a condition of a review every (2) months by Sam Cirri and Mike McDonald.
2) He will be removed from the Grievance Committee.
3) He will recommit the TWU Oath of Office in writing.

Dan will remain on the Stores Negotiation Committee; will attend all board, special board, shop steward, and membership meetings.