Special Election for TWU International Officers

Recently, there was a recall of three positions at the TWU International: one Vice-President and two International Executive Board positions. These positions were previously held by members from Local 100. Due to these vacancies, a special election will be held by International Convention delegates. Nominating ballots were mailed to each convention delegate, thus any delegate could nominate. Nominations were due back to the International by May 14. There were many discussions that happened through correspondence at Local 514 and Executive Board meetings.

A brief description of these position are as follows. Vice-Presidents meet quarterly throughout the year for a couple of days to discuss International business such as Federal Laws that affect members, organizing, brainstorming about ideas, financial business and other important matters to the International. They are only compensated for the lost time when they attend the meetings. This is not a full time position.

International Executive Board members meet one time each year. They are only compensated for the time they attend meetings. The Primary function of an International Executive Board member is to consider and adopt such programs and polices that are best designed to promote the welfare of the Union and its members. This is not a full time position.

The chance of obtaining one of these positions is highly unlikely. Because Local 514 is out numbered by much larger locals, their chances of being voted in are slim.

We would like to congratulate Mike McDonald on his nomination for Vice-President, John Hewitt and D’Ann Johnson on their nominations to the International Executive Board for the Transport Workers Union International.

It is an honor for those who have been nominated to be recognized for the work they have done over the years and continue to do so for Transport Workers Union members.

Currently, Steve Luis, former Local 514 president, holds an International Vice-President position (Not a Full Time position).

We strongly encourage every member with questions of responsibilities and/or duties of these positions please read the constitution on WWW. TWU.ORG under the resource tab and then International Constitution tab.