State attacks on public sector workers rights:

May 9, 2011 UPDATE

By the TWU Department of Strategic Planning


The following report provides details on some of the unlawful attacks on workers’ human rights that are being carried out in various states now. It also identifies the TWU Locals in those states, and discusses our strategic interests in the ways workers and their allies are fighting back.



TWU Locals:

Transit: Local 260; Local 261; Local 262; Local 263; Local 265; Local 266; Local 267; Local 268; Local 270; Local 276

Air: Local 513; Local 514; Local 541; Local 542; Local 550; Local 555; Local 557; Local 565; Local 567; Local 575; Local 576

Texas Workers’ Rights are Human Rights activists have been putting major pressure on Texas legislators to drop HB 2986, a Paycheck Deception bill, that would prohibit public sector unions from using dues to lobby for or against legislation, would ban union members from participating in events that are both social and political in nature, and would bar paycheck deduction for public employees for political purposes. They are also fighting to stop HB 400, which would permanently eliminate the 22-to-1 cap on the size of K-4 classrooms, wiping out smaller class sizes for students at risk. The Bill would also permanently eliminate minimum salary guarantees and undercuts teachers’ employment rights. HB 400 would be a direct, destructive assault on the students and teachers in Texas classrooms.



TWU Locals:

Air: Local 514 – Tulsa; Local 555

HB 1593 was sent to the Governor on 4/25. If signed, this bill will take away collective bargaining rights for municipal workers by repealing the Oklahoma Municipal Employee Collective Bargaining Act. A news account of this bill’s passage by the legislature can be found here.

The House passed SB 377 on 4/27. This bill would increase the retirement age for any teachers hired after 11/1 from 62 to 65. In addition, the measure would prevent any teacher hired after 11/1 from receiving