Sullivan Meets with American Airlines CEO Tom Horton

Washington, Jan 25 – Today, Congressman John Sullivan met with American Airlines CEO Tom Horton, to discuss issues surrounding the companies bankruptcy filing.

“We had a productive meeting – American Airlines is the largest private employer in Oklahoma, and big part of the Tulsa community.  I appreciate him taking the time to speak with me so I could stress the importance of the AA maintenance base to Tulsa, our local economy and the 6,400 workers they employ. I also reinforced to Mr. Horton how attractive a place North Eastern Oklahoma is to do business, and that our entire community is rallying around our local workers.  I know Mr. Horton is working hard, as is everyone at American Airlines, to ensure they come out of bankruptcy a stronger more competitive company.  Bankruptcies are never easy, and there could be tough times ahead, but our community will get through it.”