Tag: Bankruptcy

Interesting tidbits from the AMR/American Airlines bankruptcy case

SOURCE: Dallas News  You can find out interesting things in the AMR/American Airlines bankruptcy filings When a company files for Chapter 11 protection under the federal bankruptcy code, it has to disclose a lot of things. That’s true for AMR, American Airlines and the various other subsidiaries. Some of those things are interesting, important or both.…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 27, 2012

NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE AMR SAYS NO TO EARLY OUT AS DESIGNED Late Friday AA presented its rationale for rejecting TWU’s proposal for an early out proposal. The Company asserts that the program as designed is too costly. However, AA indicated that it would still review such concepts during the entire 1113 process. An early out program…

AMR – Court Update 2/24/2012

The Debtors’ filed a Sixth Omnibus Motion of Debtors for Entry of Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 365(a) Authorizing Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Docket No. 1338). According to the motion, over the years, in order to finance the costs of acquisition, construction, equipment, and improvement by American Airlines of certain airport facilities located…

AMR – Court Update 2/22/2012

Today the TWU submitted its response to (i) the motion of the AMR Retirees Pension Protection Corp. (“ARPPC”) for entry of an order appointing an official committee of retired employees pursuant to section 1114(d) of title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), and (ii) the motion (Docket No. 1132) of the Ad…

AA Workers Call on Governor and State Reps for Support

(TULSA, Okla.) — American Airlines workers in Tulsa will be calling on Governor Mary Fallin and seven congressional delegates as well as other state representatives to add their names to www.IsupportAmericanJobs.com, which has attracted the support of more than 15,000 people from coast to coast. Workers also began printing and assembling hundreds of yard signs to publicize their campaign. “This…

Q and A from the TWU informational website concerning the AA Bankruptcy

These are the questions that have been added to the TWU informational site concerning the AA Bankruptcy.. since my last emailing of the Q&A, This starts at question 72. You can always visit the aa.twu.org site for all the detailed information. Take Care, Allan Ball TWU514 IT/Communications _______________________________   How does our failed T/A compare (wages, benefits,…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 14, 2012

DFW Airport Labor Solidarity Rally Monday and Tuesday the TWU Negotiating Team hunkered down at Flagship University continuing their careful evaluation of AMRs financial spread sheets, and drafting their “ask” for specific documents needed for review – the company is obligated to produce these for the TWU negotiators. Additionally, some work groups attended company presentations…

Stay Relief Motions February 11, 2012 – AMR Bankruptcy

On February 10, 2012, the TWU filed a motion for relief from the automatic stay on behalf of Everton White.  By this motion, the TWU seeks an order terminating or, alternatively, modifying the automatic stay imposed pursuant to section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, to permit  Mr. White to continue to pursue a certain claim…