Tag: Budget

AFL-CIO Analysis of President Donald Trump’s FY 2018 Budget

   AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s proposed budget:   “Working people in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin didn’t vote for a budget that slashes workforce training and fails to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. President Trump’s proposed budget attempts to balance the budget on the backs of…

Demand a Fair Budget That Works for All

Congressional Republicans, doing the bidding of Tea Party fanatics, are holding the U.S. economy hostage to their demand to slash vital programs like Social Security and Medicare while continuing to give away billions in corporate welfare and tax subsidies to big business. They are threatening to vote as a bloc against raising the U.S. debt…

Report to the Executive Board – November 20, 2009

Submitted by Pat Kinnamon Head count for A-300 lease returns are not in 2010 budget. AJ McGovern, Clarence Phal, and Troy Sockowloski gave Aircell presentation to the National JLT. Dennis Cummings from the Oklahoma Department of Labor, State OSHA Consultation Division, will be on base for approximately one week to provide input on how AA…