THE ALLIANCE Q: Why is this the right time for the TWU/IAM representation Alliance? A: TWU and IAM both believe that fighting to achieve industry-leading contracts for TWU and IAM members at the “new” American Airlines is a better use of resources than fighting each other in a bitter representation campaign. With the issue of representation settled,…
Tag: IAM
Scope Clause Language – TWU Versus The Other Unions
The TWU scope clause (Article I) has changed in the newly ratified September 12, 2012 M&R agreement. While the TWU negotiating committee pushed for maintaining the previous language that kept approximately 90% of maintenance spend in-house (includes TAESL as insourced work), the bankruptcy (BK) process made that an impossibility. Every airline that has gone through…
US Airways Contract and Seniority Lists
We have gathered the contracts and Seniority lists from US Airways and the IAM. These are reference only documents. They are for your education and understanding ONLY, Seniority USAirways Mechanic Seniority List USAirways Stock Clerk Seniority list USAirways MOC Seniority List Contracts IAM Mechanic Agreement – July 18, 2014 IAM MTS Agreement- July 18, 2014 Historical US…
IAM to Weigh US Airways Takeover of American Airlines
April 20, 2012- The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today reassured its members at US Airways that it will aggressively represent their interests in any potential takeover of bankrupt American Airlines. “The IAM’s first responsibility is to protect the seniority, job-security, wages, benefits and pensions of our members at US Airways,” said…