Tag: Social Security

When can I start receiving my Social Security benefit?

At Social Security, we’re often asked, “What is the best age to start receiving retirement benefits?” The answer is that there is no one “best age” for everyone and, ultimately, it is your choice. You should make an informed decision about when to apply for benefits based on your individual and family circumstances. We hope…

Social Security: 6 Facts You Need to Know

  Social Security is our most important family protection program that works not just for retirees, but also for people with disabilities and children who’ve lost a working parent. It’s a promise for all generations. People pay for this benefit throughout their working lives. Social Security is immensely popular with voters across the political spectrum,…

How much do you know about your Social Security benefits?

When should you take them in order to maximize your benefits*? Believe it or not, everyone has a different situation. In order to better understand the benefits, Flagship Financial Group is happy to present Tom Clark in a complimentary seminar to discuss which options might be best for you! Tom’s 33 years with the Social…

The Social Security Puzzle

Is it time to to start thinking seriously about retirement? If it is, it’s time to start thinking about Social Security, too. When is the best time to sign up for benefits? Only you can decide. Your Timetable If you want, you can sign up for Social Security benefits at age 62. However, you’ll receive…