Tell Your Representative to Oppose Norwegian Air International

TWU_headerThis week, activists from TWU and other aviation unions are coming to Washington, DC to oppose Norwegian Air International.  Norwegian Air wants the government to allow it to provide air service between Europe and the US while avoiding labor laws on both continents.

Norwegian Air would usher in a race to the bottom for cheap labor. The airline would operate as an Irish air carrier without flying to Ireland. It wants to hire flight crews based in Thailand on contracts with a Singaporean hiring agency. Norwegian Air’s scheme would hollow out the airline industry and decimate thousands of middle class airline jobs.

TWU urges you to email your representative today and ask them to sign on to the Collins/Sires letter opposing Norwegian Air International.

Unions in the US and in Europe oppose Norwegian Air and are joined by Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Washington.  Airlines on both sides of the Atlantic have been fighting against Norwegian Air’s application.

Stand with your brothers and sisters and tell your representative to oppose Norwegian Air International by signing the Collins/Sires letter.