This Week @ Local 514

Negotiations Update:

The information you received yesterday, 2-1-2012, was distributed to the media and published to AA web sites, yet it was not shared with the Negotiations Committee. Now that the negotiations committee has seen these proposals we know that they are asking for much more than they can justify. The numbers given out are subject to change if necessary because of future negotiations. The real numbers remain to be seen.

The Negotiations Committee is now charged with asking for all the information that AA is using to justify their position. Make no mistake, They are fighting for our jobs and rights. The cuts are deep and outright wrong. The Negotiating Team will be working to limit the desires of the company. The Negotiating Team has the facts on our side. They are ready to use these facts in court with the Creditor’s Committee.

It has come to my attention that some emails we have sent, about the American Airlines terms, have made it look like we here at local 514 agree with or are wanting to promote AA and the decisions that they have made to achieve such proposals. That could not be further from the truth. We are putting any and all information out as it becomes available. You need to ask your questions, you need to be educated on this process, and we will do our best to get you there. You can submit questions on the website at any time, Call the Grievance office @ 918-292-3213 and even call the hall, @ 918-437-4300.
Bankruptcy Questions:
We have received numerous questions on the website relating to the AA bankruptcy. Although we are diligently working toward finding these answers they have been piling up. Please take time and visit the website and read the Q&A section to see if your question has been answered. If you have not received a reply from us, chances are we do not have your answer. Many question you have submitted will be answered in the days to come through the courts and negotiations process. All others we will do our best to get answered.