Transport Workers Union Members From Across The U.S. in D.C. to Support Obama’s Jobs Plan

Washington — In a strong showing of grass roots support for President Obama’s “American Jobs Act,” Transport Workers Union (TWU) members from Akron, Columbus, New York, Omaha, San Francisco and other cities will be on Capitol Hill this week to lobby in favor of the legislation, which includes $50 billion to upgrade America’s road, rails and airports.
“For too long, this Congress has done next to nothing to promote jobs,” said TWU International President James C. Little. “President Obama is on the right track, with tax relief for working families and desperately needed spending on our nation’s transportation infrastructure.”

Who:    Members of the Transport Workers Union

What:    Surface Transportation Funding and the American Jobs Act

When: Monday Sept. 12 through Wednesday, Sept. 14

Where: U.S. Senate and House Office Buildings

“Our roads, our rails and our airports are in critical need of repair,” said Little. “We’re the richest nation on earth, but our infrastructure gets a “D” from the American Society of Civil Engineers. That’s why President Obama’s plan to invest $50 billion in transportation projects makes so much sense. We’ll put Americans back to work right now – and we’ll rebuild the infrastructure we need to help American businesses compete in the future.”

Transport Workers Union Members From Across The U.S. in D.C. to Support Obama’s Jobs Plan-PDF