TWU Blood Drive

Have you given blood lately? If you have, you probably have seen Carol Bean volunteering here for the Red Cross for last 26 years; twenty of those years, along side her husband Paul. She has been a teacher of music therapy most of her life, but recently she tutors to children in music. She started volunteering for the Red Cross in the

Disaster area and decided that was not for her. Carol just celebrated her birthday recently and is 89 years young. She said the one

memory she remembers the most was” When my husband died, I was worried that I would not be able to come back to volunteer at American Airlines anymore with the Red Cross. The Union guys told me that you just get to the gate and we will get you here. I was so happy that those union guys made it happen every time I come out here”. Bill Bell, Dale Cotton, Billy Cuenco, Gene Chapin, and Chris Gibson pitched in and gave Carol Bean a black TWU jacket at the Blood Drive to celebrate her birthday . Thank You, Carol Bean, for all that you do.