If you were at anytime covered by United Healthcare medical plan through American Airlines you may have received a notice and claim form concerning a class action settlement.
On January 14, 2009, United Health Group (formerly known as “United Healthcare” or “UHC”), its various affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “UHG”), and AA entered into a settlement agreement to resolve (subject to final Court approval) a lawsuit captioned American Medical Association, et al.v. United Healthcare Corp., et al *, that was filed in 2000 in the U.S District Court for the Southern District of New York (the “AMA lawsuit”). The lawsuit was filed as a class action by the AMA on behalf of the health plan members, health plan providers, the association, and various state medical societies and associations. The case challenges United Health Care and American Airlines reimbursements for out of network health medical services and procedures from March 1994 through the date of the final court approval of the settlement. Assuming the court does approve, under the terms of the settlement agreement, UGH will pay a total of $350 million to the court appointed claim administrator Berdon Claims Administrator. The website address is: www.Berdonclaims.com