URGENT! HB 1593 Update

HB 1593, that would strip collective bargaining from Oklahoma Public Employees is still on the Senate agenda to be heard, but as of today it still has not been heard. It could get a hearing tomorrow, next week or anytime in between. If they do not hear it by the close of session on April 28th, the bill will be dead for this year.

We need your help. Please continue to call Oklahoma State Senators concerning their vote on HB 1593. The phone calls are working, but the pressure needs to continue, especially on the following State Senators:


Senator Rick Brinkley (R) (405) 521-5566


Senator Brian Crain (R) (405) 521-5620


Senator Kim David (R) (405) 521-5590


Senator Dan Newberry (R) (405) 521-5600



Sam Cirri, President


HB1593 Repeal Barg Act Need to Keep Calling Phone List – PDF