There is a great need for the following items in Louisiana due to the flooding. People are trying to get back into their homes and there are those that still cannot get out of their homes. These items are needed As Soon As Possible.
Any donation will be greatly appreciated and can be brought down to the Union Hall or taken to the Grievance Office.
We have listed items that are needed for the people and for use in the Command Center, 1564 Nicholson Dr, Baton Rough, LA 70802:
Lysol Spray – aerosol Plastic Gloves
Dust Pans
Regular Light Bulbs,
Flying Insect spray
Garbage Cans (Large and Small
To-Go styrofoam plates
Plastic cutlery packets (with forks, knives & spoons)
Plastic shopping bags
Shipping Tape
Regular Tape
Lots Storage Milk Crates
Ziplock Bags
Florescent Lights
3 Flat Screens (if possible to monitor weather and news in the distribution area) masking tape
Lanyards with name badges for volunteers Door stoppers
Fly swatters, Rubber Bands
Dust masks
Industrial Circle Paper Towels
Toilet Paper for bathrooms at the Command Center
LOTS of Boxes
Storage Crates
Clothing Racks
LOTS of Heavy Duty Trash Bags First Aid Supplies
Lots of Cleaning Supplies Washing Powder Dishwashing Liquid Hand Soap
Pillow Cases
Paper Goods
VOLUNTEERS to help distribute
Supplies being donated 2 Refrigerators
1 Microwave 1 Dryer
1 Washer