Day: September 23, 2010

TWU Tells the Senate: Pass the FAA Reauthorization Bill NOW!

With Congress back in session from their August break, it is time to pass the long overdue Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Bill that expires on September 30th and stop the obstructionism that is allowing the Bush policies of 2007 to remain in force. The bill will create an estimated 300,000 jobs and make air…

Secure Flight

Secure Flight is the Transportation Security Administration’s program for streamlining the watch list matching process. Secure Flight is designed to improve the travel experience for all passengers, including those who have been misidentified in the past. This is welcome news if you or your guest travelers have the same or similar name to someone on…

TWU Local 514 Bylaws Change as of September 1, 2010

Election board nominations and elections will not be done in October due to the most recent bylaws changes. The new changes took effect on Sept.1 2010 and completed a motion made by Sam Cirri and seconded by Greg Sewell and voted on by the membership.