Month: November 2010

President Little Nominated to FAA Advisory Council

Oct 13 2010 TWU International President James C. Little has been appointed by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Management Advisory Council (MAC) to help advise the FAA on management and policy issues related to the airline industry. President Little will bring his experience in the airline industry and…

Labor History This Month

Important Dates in Labor History Nov. 15, 1881 The labor organization later known as the American Federation of Labor is founded at Turner Hall in Pittsburgh. Cigar-maker Samuel Gompers would become its president in 1886. Nov. 11, 1887 Four labor organizers hanged for alleged conspiracy in riot and bombing in Chicago’s Haymarket Square. Nov. 23,…

Question from the Floor

Q. Why is it that the company can question the use of an earned negotiated benefit (Sick Time)?– Danny Hightower, Facility Maintenance Hangars 1 & 2. If the supervisor wants to speak with you about your sick time you should take your shop steward with you if one is available. If your are accused of…

TWU Local 514 Veterans Committee Needs Your Help

The TWU Veterans Committee is looking for 8×10 copies of photos from past and present military personnel to use on the Veterans Day Float on November 11. They need to be copies because the photos will not be returned. The pictures can be dropped off at the TWU Grievance office or the TWU Hall located…

Celebrate Veterans Day

Come join us on Thursday, November 11th to honor American Veterans at the Veterans’ Day parade. We will meet at the downtown Home Depot at 11th Street and Elgin before 10:00 AM. The parade starts at 11:00 AM. If you miss us at Home Depot, we will be lining up between 2nd Street and 3rd…


If you have any Safety or Environmental concerns, please contact one of the following individuals AREA TWU Representative Management Representative TULSA John Carlisle, Chairman 918 859-4797 (cell) Dean Carlisle, Mgr. Of Compliance 918 292-1109 or 918 406-1675 (cell) Allen Russell, Co-Chairman 918 292-4063 or 918 808-6107 (cell) Len Bradley, Safety/Injury/Illness Admin. 918 292-1565 or 918…