Month: February 2011

HB 1593

  Call your Representative and ask How They Plan to Vote on HB 1593 Call 1-800-522-8502 and ask for your Representative If you do not know your representative, you may go to and click on “Find Your Legislator” Please call us at (405) 528-2409 and give us the result of your contact.

OETA and Jimmy Curry, Sunday 2-27-2011 – 1:00pm

    OETA is hosting a panel discussion on labor & collective bargaining to air this sunday at 1:00 p.m.     The panel participants are: Jimmy Curry, President of Oklahoma AFL-CIO (Local 514 member) Carolyn Stager, Oklahoma Municipal League There are others that have been invited to participate but as of now have not…


DO PASS ON HB 1593 By a close vote—9 yes and 7 no—they voted to send to the House Floor this very anti-worker legislation. Please contact all those who voted NO and thank them.   YES Dennis Johnson (R)-Chair  405-557-7327 Lisa Billy (R) 405-557-7365 Elise Hall (R) 405-557-7403 Guy Liebmann (R) 405-557-7357…

February 2011 Membership Meeting

Monday, February 28, 2011 7:15 AM , 11:45 AM , 3:45 PM , 11:30 PM TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street   Regular Order of Business Vote on Nominees for the Election Committee Discussion and vote on additions to TWU Local 514 By-laws Discussion and vote on sponsorship of the 2011 Oklahoma Multiple Sclerosis Bike…

Guess What !!!

12 Small Fleeced-Lined Black Jackets to Give Away When: Monday, April 25, 2011 Where: April Membership Meeting If you are interested in winning this jacket, please place your name and contact information in the “fish bowl” at the Union Hall. The drawing will be held on Monday April 25, 2011 at the Membership Meeting. If…


The cost is $25 per jacket and currently have sizes Med up to 5X large. These will be sold on a first come basis, cash only, no checks or credit cards accepted.

Disaster Training with the American Red Cross

Applications and background checks will be completed during the first training session. All trainings will be held at the TWU Local 514 Union Hall. Sign up sheets are available now. Ready when the Time Comes. Thursday, April 7, 5pm – 9pm Saturday, April 9, 8am – 12PM Disaster Assessment Saturday April 16, 9am – 12pm…

Shop Steward Pay

A question concerning Shop Steward Pay has been asked more than once so we will use this Informer to answer questions as we get them for the new Stewards. Shop Stewards are paid 50 dollars a month expense allowance. However, Local 514 members passed a motion in October of 1985 concerning attendance at the monthly…

Recalls and Transfers

This happened because all of the positions that were supposed to be posted were not posted. In the February 1st Informer issue, we reported that Local 514 had issues with the transfer freeze and had persuaded the company to post the current openings at the Tulsa Base and then fill “A” vacancies prior to assigning…


Local 514 adopted RRO to conduct its membership meetings because it is efficient at getting through an agenda. The Rules focus choosing proposals that are supported by a majority of those attending our membership meetings and empowers them to make workable decisions in a timely, orderly manner. The goal is for the membership to manage…