Month: February 2012

Rewriting American Airlines’ bankruptcy

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the bankruptcy of American Airlines shows us why voting for president is even more important than you think. Watch the video. This is a Must Watch Video.. Click Here: from The Last Word

AMR Bankruptcy Update – 02-02-2012

Brothers and Sisters, As we all know, the AMR bankruptcy has exacerbated an already difficult time for our members. TWU recognizes the anxiety and fear inflicted by their actions on you and your families. Be assured, we are taking all actions possible to protect your job, your wages and benefits. On Wednesday Feb. 1, AMR…

MetLife Payroll Deduction Error

Recently, a small number of employees received a letter from MetLife stating that their payroll deductions for Hyatt Legal, Long-term Care, Auto or Home insurance coverage would increase for the month of February. MetLife sent these letters in error and is working hard to fix the problem and to ensure this does not happen again.…


Dear Brothers and Sisters, The following 1113 term sheets were provided to the TWU Negotiating Committees. Although narrow, we will do our best to mitigate the proposals. We are planning to review the Company’s Business plan with our attorneys and the financial analysts hired by President Little. The savings that the Company has proposed is…

Letter from: Thomas W. Horton Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Feb.1, 2012

Dear American Team: American Airlines Several weeks into our restructuring process we continue to make progress on a comprehensive plan to restore American to industry leadership, profitability, and growth. From my travels around the system and talking with so many of our folks, I know the fierce commitment we all share to making American a…

Today’s the day of the bad news at AMR, American Airlines and American Eagle

This from: Dallas News Here’s what we expect, in general: Around 10 a.m., chairman, president and CEO Tom Horton will begin describing the company’s business plan for reorganization as he meets with leaders of the Allied Pilots Association, Association of Professional Flight Attendants and Transport Workers Union. Beverly Goulet, vice president, treasurer and chief restructuring officer,…