Day: April 23, 2012

APFA and TWU Protest AMR Bankruptcy at New York City Courthouse

Under cloudy skies this morning, over 700 union members gathered in New York City’s Battery Park to protest American Airlines (AMR) legal motion that seeks to abrogate their collective bargaining agreements. From across the country, flight attendants, fleet service workers, mechanics and others came to New York to voice their personal opposition to the company’s…

Jason Whitely tweets from the AMR bankruptcy hearing

WFAA reporter Jason Whitely is in New York City this week to cover the American Airlines bankruptcy hearing. He is live tweeting from the courtroom from his Twitter account, @JasonWhitely. We are compiling his tweets into this on-going blog, but follow Jason’s account for the latest. 8:20 a.m. “A merger w/ @USAirways is the path we must…

Short Term Disability

We have two Short Term Disability insurances at American Airlines. The first Short Term Disability is the Union Short Term Disability Plan named “The Standard”. This insurance pays you while you are out of work for an illness or accident and unable to work. It pays you fifty percent of your income less your taxes.…

Foot Care Clinic

The Visiting Nurses Association of Tulsa will be here April 25, 2012 from 9AM to 4PM. The clinic will be held at the Transport Workers Union, Local 514, 11945 E. Pine St. Please call (918) 695-5165 for an appointment. The cost for this treatment $30.00, for which you will receive the following: Warm Water Soak,…

TWU Blood Drive

Have you given blood lately? If you have, you probably have seen Carol Bean volunteering here for the Red Cross for last 26 years; twenty of those years, along side her husband Paul. She has been a teacher of music therapy most of her life, but recently she tutors to children in music. She started…

Take Action

House Bill 2155 by Steel creates the “Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act.”  This bill allows corporations with excessive claims to opt-out of workers’ compensation, which would drive up costs for corporations that do not have that option.  The Oklahoma AFL-CIO isOPPOSED to this bill as it would hurt the workers through lesser benefits.  Click here to view a comparison…