Month: July 2012

Voter Registration – Election Season is HERE!

Be Sure You Are Registered to Vote* Let Us Help You Make Sure You Are Registered and Ready! Election Season is here once again, and registered voters will have the chance to vote for President, members of Congress, and a number of state and county officers. The primary election is past, but in Oklahoma the…

Comparison of M&R Bankruptcy Agreements

This document is not intended to be a comprehensive comparison.  It is intended to highlight major economic changes only. American TWU (July 2012) United AMFA (2nd bankruptcy agreement May 2005)* Northwest AMFA (Dec. 2005) US Airways IAM (2nd bankruptcy agreement Jan. 2005)** Duration 6 years, 48 month early opener 2005 – 5 years, 51 month…

Employee Prefunding Balance – Available on Jetnet

(Link to Jetnet Page) Employee Prefunding Balance Your employee prefunding balance is $x,xxx.xx as of March 31, 2012, and includes investment earnings through this date, this does not include Company contributions.  Review the information below for additional information.   Prefunding Today, TWU-represented employees at American Airlines contribute an amount each pay period to a trust…

Court Update for July 19, 2012

Hearing on the application of Jenner & Block to serve as counsel the section 1114 committee This morning the court approved the retention of Jenner & Block to serve as counsel the section 1114 committee. Hearing on motion to extend exclusivity This morning the court granted the joint motion American and the official unsecured creditors…

TA Overview and Q&A – Locations Updated 7-18-2012

All meetings will begin about 7AM, except Special Membership Meetings which will be held at 7:15 AM, 11:45 AM and 3:45 PM. Jul 18 Hangars 1 & 2 2D Conf Room (2D, 2nd Level) Jul 19 Hangars 3 & 4 MD 80 Product Team Conf Room (Mezzanine Level, column E8-9) Jul 23 Hangars 5 &…


Working in the heat can be risky to your health. Life-threatening problems can occur if your body is unable to stay cool enough in hot temperatures or high humidity. Heat stress causes a range of health effects, which can lower your job performance and become life-threatening if left untreated. Health Risks Heat stroke is life-threatening. Your body…

Study: Factory Workers Fail to Self-Report Hearing Loss

A new study reveals that while three-quarters of factory workers report they have good hearing, nearly half actually had compromised hearing. Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Nursing studied 2,691 workers at a Midwest automobile factory, where 76 percent reported their hearing as “excellent” or “good.” According to the study results, however, 42…

Letter from Garry Drummond, ATD Director to M&R and Stores, 7-16-2012

TO: ALL TWU MECHANIC & RELATED AND STORES AMERICAN AIRLINES MEMBERS You have the opportunity to consider the full text of the proposed tentative agreement between the TWU and American Airlines covering our mechanic & related and stores membership. If the agreement is approved, the Company will withdraw its motion to reject our collective bargaining…