Month: August 2012

M&R and Stores Early Out

  Early Out with 15 Years of Company Time and 45 years old Definition: You are entitled to 13 weeks of severance plus $10,000. You are only entitled to the $12,500 if you are system or station protected. You must have 15 years of Company Time and be 45 years or older. THE WINDOW FOR…

Judge Lane Decision Allied Pilots Association

Yesterday Judge Lane released his opinion “temporarily” denying American Airlines motion to abrogate its agreement with the Allied Pilots Association. While reading a 106 page opinion is a lengthy exercise, we recommend all members look at the actual opinion. It provides an excellent discussion of the standards for abrogating a contract which is consistent with the legal advice we…

BK Judge rules against AMR mgmt due to furlough and code sharing….

By Nick Brown and Karen Jacobs NEW YORK (Reuters) – A judge on Wednesday denied a request by American Airlines parent AMR Corp (AAMRQ.PK) to abandon collective bargaining agreements with its pilots’ union, an unexpected decision and setback for bankrupt AMR in its quest to save more than $1 billion a year in labor costs.…

Judge Sean Lane denies AMR management’s motion for the Pilots.

 APA INFORMATION HOTLINE              This is APA Communications Director Gregg Overman with the APA Information Hotline for Wednesday, August 15. JUDGE SEAN LANE DENIES AMR MANAGEMENT’S MOTION: United States Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane issued a ruling today denying AMR management’s motion to reject the Allied Pilots Association-American Airlines Collective Bargaining Agreement. Judge Lane filed his 106-page…


The question has been raised of whether, under the RLA, a union which succeeds in decertifying  and replacing the union which has previously represented a class or craft, may, by serving Section 6 notices on the employer/carrier, obligate that employer/carrier, regardless of how much time remains during which the existing CBA is defined by its…

Ride for Freedom September 8th. 2012

The Tulsa American Veterans M/C Chapter presents the  9-11 Ride for Freedom, September 8th 2012 Proceeds benefit the Tulsa Vets Center Poker Hands – $15.00 ea. Extra hands may be purchased at the last stop Cars Welcom 50/50 Tickets – $1 ea or 6 for $5 1st bike out at 10:00am, Last out at Noon…

Union Benefit Planners, Inc.

The TWU and Union Benefit Planners (UBP) has created a process for selecting affordable medical alternatives for those Members that may lose their medical insurance either because of a RIF or the elimination of the Retiree Medical Benefits. We have made available a website with which each individual can shop and compare different medical…

TWU Title III & IV Early Out window and revocation extension

As a result of Judge Lane’s decision to defer the APFA ruling until after the vote results on August 19, it has been decided that the Early Out window for TWU Title III (Fleet Service Clerks) and Title IV (Ground Service Employees) will be extended through Sunday, August 19th at 23:59 CST.  Additionally, the revocation letter window will…

Sam Cirri’s Letter to the Membership

By now, everyone knows the results of the vote. Local 514’s results for M&R was 74% Yes to 26% No. For Stores, it was 89% Yes and 11% No. Dealing with this bankruptcy process has put a lot of stress on all of us and our families and, yet, we still have a lot of…