Month: May 2013

AA Bankruptcy Court Update May 10, 2013

The Debtors filed a motion seeking to approve the memoranda of understanding among certain of the Debtors,  US Airways, Inc. and any successor (“US Airways”) and the various unions representing the employees of the Debtors and US Airways.  The memoranda of understanding address the effect of the expected merger between American and U.S.  Airways.  With…

AA/TWU Equity Distribution Update May 9, 2013

Your TWU Equity Distribution Committee met this week at the International Union’s offices in Washington D.C. to continue discussions on the 4.8% equity stake distribution for all eligible TWU members at American Airlines. The Committee, with the assistance of financial advisors and legal experts, has been working to ensure the plan of distribution is equitable…

TWU Condemns Teamsters Union Raid on Machinists Union at US Airways

“The IBT is acting like a parasite.” The following statement is from TWU Air Transport Division Director Garry Drummond, after it was announced that the Teamsters would be filing cards to raid the International Association of Machinists (IAM) at US Airways: As a trade unionist, I’m outraged and disgusted that the Teamsters plan to waste…

Update on Merger, Pay Increases and Equity Stake

When does the 4.3% pay increase take effect? The increase will be implemented as soon as the Company’s plan of reorganization is approved and it exits bankruptcy. Since merger with US Airways is part of this plan, the merger must also be approved before the Company exits bankruptcy. This process is moving quickly. On April…

TWU Young Workers

5/1/13: May Day, New York City. TWU Young Workers march on union busting properties all over New York City, rising up for workers everywhere. [youtube_sc url=””]

Joint Shop Steward/Membership Meeting, May 20, 2013

Date: Monday, May 20, 2013 Time : 7:15 AM | 11:45 AM | 3:45 PM | 11:30 PM Place: TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street   Agenda Regular Order of Business. Nominations for the following Local 514 Offices and Positions: President First Vice President Financial Secretary-Treasurer Recording Secretary Second Vice President (Chairman of Maintenance) Third…

TAA – Glitch in the system

We have received a letter from our attorneys, Frasier, Frasier & Hickman, LLP that included the names of those that are within the the TAA program and also those that DO NOT fall within the TAA program. I have attached the letter without the names included. If you feel as though you need further information, please…