Month: July 2013

TWU Members Currently Owning AMR Stock Will Vote on POR

On June 20, AMR mailed copies of their Plan of Reorganization (POR) to all creditors, members of the Unsecured Creditors Committee, and all individual owners of AMR stock. The purpose of the mailing is to provide recipients the opportunity to review the POR and vote on it. Those of us that held AMR Stock Options,…

More on the TWU Equity Distribution – July 8, 2013

The formula for distribution of stock to American’s unsecured creditors, including all labor groups, is complex and a number of members have asked for further clarification. The TWU has negotiated for our members to receive actual stock with considerable value. This stock will be distributed directly to our members as soon as American exits bankruptcy…

Equity Distribution Update, July 3, 2013

Dear Brothers & Sisters: The TWU Equity Distribution Committee met on July 2, 2013 at the ATD office in Hurst, Texas to review the draft Power Point presentation (attached) as presented by your TWU Equity Distribution Committee, legal counsel and professional advisors. We discussed, in detail, the many comments and suggestions received from the TWU…