Month: January 2018

FYI – AA Policies: Drug & Alcohol

Effective January 01,2018 DOT drug testing policy has changed, and January 15,2018 the company policy has changed in reference to taking prescription pain medication. If you are required to take a drug test under random program for safety sensitive areas, if you test positive you may be contacted by a Medical Review Officer (MRO), you…

2017 W2’s

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Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

January 26, 2018 Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C. Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on: Seniority M&R-MLS Hours of Service M&R Reduction in Force M&R-MLS Overtime Distribution Procedures M&R-MLS As previously reported in our last session, Association negotiators presented the company with a comprehensive…


TWU is now accepting applications for the Michael J. Quill Scholarship Fund. This scholarship will offer 15 college-bound dependents of TWU members with a scholarship worth $4,800. This scholarship will be paid out per year in the amount of $1,200 to winners who continue to be eligible over their four-year course of study. The union…

Equity Update from TWU International Vice President – Gary Peterson

January 20, 2018 Brothers and Sisters: As a follow up to yesterday’s conference call with TWU Presidents, below is a summary of the plan that has now been agreed upon between TWU and American Airlines, with respect to the TWU Reserve/Equity fund distribution. The earliest the distribution will be is late May/early June, assuming all…