Report to the Executive Board – November 20, 2009

Submitted by Pat Kinnamon

  • Head count for A-300 lease returns are not in 2010 budget.
  • AJ McGovern, Clarence Phal, and Troy Sockowloski gave Aircell presentation to the National JLT.
  • Dennis Cummings from the Oklahoma Department of Labor, State OSHA Consultation Division, will be on base for approximately one week to provide input on how AA can improve their Safety Program.
  • All Maui lines that are currently on 4/10 hour schedules will start 5/8 hour schedules January 4, 2010.
  • 767 Maui/Winglet line will be split. A fully manned Maui will stay in 6 AW and the rest will do a 757 L/C in dock 6-C.
  • New Hangar 80 will be set up with P.O.U. tool kits and personnel lockers.
  • New Counterpart for the Hangar 1 group is Jimmy Handcock from dock 1-A. Jimmy will assist Don Johson in representing our members in the Joint Process.
  • Need a board decision on OT lists in shops with AMTs and OSMs. Should there be one or two lists?

kh: opeiu 330
