Category: Politics

Why Unions are in Politics…

US Congressmen, Senators, and Oklahoma Governors often decide issues by a vote that affect our daily lives, i.e., labor contracts, they can freeze wages and do away with medical insurance for example: An emergency rule that eliminates birth as a qualifying event for individual health insurance coverage was approved by Republican Gov. Mary Fallin this…

Rewriting American Airlines’ bankruptcy

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the bankruptcy of American Airlines shows us why voting for president is even more important than you think. Watch the video. This is a Must Watch Video.. Click Here: from The Last Word

Sullivan Meets with American Airlines CEO Tom Horton

Washington, Jan 25 – Today, Congressman John Sullivan met with American Airlines CEO Tom Horton, to discuss issues surrounding the companies bankruptcy filing. “We had a productive meeting – American Airlines is the largest private employer in Oklahoma, and big part of the Tulsa community.  I appreciate him taking the time to speak with me so…

It’s a New Year for Elections

The Local 514 Sign Shop will be a busy place for the up coming elections. The only thing missing is volunteers. We are going to need volunteers for all hours of the day. The Sign Shop will be open more often during the upcoming elections and volunteer help will be needed. The hours of operation…

James C. Little Letter to Senators on AA bankruptcy, 11-30-11

Dear Senator: Yesterday, American Airlines took the step of joining a long list of past legacy carriers in filing for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The Transport Workers Union of America is the largest labor representative of the combined group. Consequently, our members have much at stake as this process unfolds. As you may…

James C. Little Letter to Representatives on AA bankruptcy, 11-30-11

Dear Representative: Yesterday, American Airlines took the step of joining a long list of past legacy carriers in filing for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The Transport Workers Union of America is the largest labor representative of the combined group. Consequently, our members have much at stake as this process unfolds. As you…

Union Brothers and Sisters In Need

Postal Workers need your help. Closing Post Offices and Mail Processing Centers and cutting service is just wrong. Downsizing service would be devastating to our economy. A Mail Processing study was done for this area and the results are in. This study was initiated to evaluate the mail processing from the Tulsa OK Processing and…

Occupy National Roundup: Politicians Crack Down, Protests Keep Growing

New York – Last night, billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg sent a massive police force to evict members of the public from Liberty Square – home of Occupy Wall Street for the past two months. People who were part of a dynamic civic process were beaten and pepper-sprayed, their personal property destroyed. Supporters of this rapidly growing…

FOP Election, 11-8-2011

In conjuction with the Tulsa FOP, Sam Cirri, TWU514 President, agreed to make this information available to the members, to help you make a more educated decision on the vote. Thanks, Joe McGill TWU514 COPE Committee +++++ Vote to hire a professionally-trained City Manager and help protect our tax dollars from having a political mayor…