Category: Politics

American Postal Workers Rally

B U L L E T I N Local 514 is joining with the American Postal Workers Union in a rally to keep our jobs in Tulsa. The Post Office is under the threat of privatization and AA is planning to send 230 of our jobs to Dallas. Help us bring awareness to the public…

Representative Eric Proctor Goes To Bat for TWU Members

Sam Cirri’s press release regarding American Airlines’ plan to move 70 Maintenance Control Technicians (MCT) and 160 related support to Texas caught the eye of Oklahoma House District 77 Representative Eric Proctor. Representative Proctor pledged his support and announced his intent to speak against the move. The Tulsa community has invested millions of tax dollars…

The Social Security Puzzle

Is it time to to start thinking seriously about retirement? If it is, it’s time to start thinking about Social Security, too. When is the best time to sign up for benefits? Only you can decide. Your Timetable If you want, you can sign up for Social Security benefits at age 62. However, you’ll receive…

Thoughts of a Retiree

Places like Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, are passing laws that are prohibiting public workers from having unions. Maybe some of our reactions would be, “that’s to bad for them.” If we think the elected officials are going to stop at public employees, we would stand as being wrong. The war prisoners in Europe during WWII could tell…

Congress Must Not Go on Summer Vacation Before Funding our Aviation System

“At this moment, 4,000 aviation workers are not collecting a paycheck and more than 70,000 construction workers’ jobs are at risk because Congress is playing ideological games. If Congress packs up and goes home for the summer without passing a clean extension of the FAA bill, these workers won’t be able to provide for their…

Republican FAA Shutdown Costs 4,000 Jobs, Threatens 90,000

When Republican House leaders forced a shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last week, they not only forced the layoff of 4,000 FAA workers, they also put at risk nearly 90,000 construction jobs at airports around the country. FAA funding expired after midnight Friday because Republicans blocked temporary funding in an effort to overturn a new rule making union…

Demand a Fair Budget That Works for All

Congressional Republicans, doing the bidding of Tea Party fanatics, are holding the U.S. economy hostage to their demand to slash vital programs like Social Security and Medicare while continuing to give away billions in corporate welfare and tax subsidies to big business. They are threatening to vote as a bloc against raising the U.S. debt…

House GOP Leaders Play Politics with Aviation Safety Programs, Place Thousands of Good Jobs at Risk

Edward Wytkind President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), offered the following statement regarding the possible shut down of the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday, July 22: “Here we go again. House Republican Leaders are playing political games at the expense of vital services and thousands of good jobs – only this time they are blocking basic…