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Category: President
Dale Dankers Posting to the membership.
President Dale Danker September 1, 2021 Video Update
Marla Johnson Rebid – Seniority List Updated,. Terry Buck: Limited Duty, Benefit Enrollment- Oct. 14 thru Nov. 5th 2021, Open Enrollment for Long Term Disability. Dale Danker on Membership Meetings, Bankruptcy Grievances, Presidential Grievances and their process, International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting, Facilities Town Hall Meeting, Association Representation Committee, Resolution for the International Convention from…
Resolution on Joint Representation and the effects on Collective Bargaining Agreements
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Q&A with TWU Local 514 President Dale Danker
VIDEO: Update March-June 2021
Video – Pause the May Re-Bid
Coyotes on the Prowl
What is the Union going to do?
VIDEO – President Danker letter to Tulsa Base Managing Director, Ed Sangricco RE: May Re-Bid
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