Category: President

Dale Dankers Posting to the membership.

January – February 2021 update

President Dale Danker with officers, Terry Buck, Joe Brown and Marla Johnson Covering Topics: DAT , Day at a Time Vacation Recalls VEOP, VLOA Masks Seniority Protest Job Postings / Bids WARN Letters 2020 Vacation Payout PSP2 Helper Crew Chief

Weather and Tulsa

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Local 514 Office Closed – COVID-19 Positives

Office will remain closed through the week of January 22nd.To all, We have experienced several COVID-19 Positives here at the Union Office. At the time of this email we will be closing the Office. We are taking these precautions for the safety of all. By now we all know someone that has tested positive. Most…

December – January Update Video

President Danker, Marla Johnson, Tracy Hardin 514 update. vacation selection, TWU benefits, Base shutdown, Re-bid, Grievance process, furlough/recall, Happy Holidays