FOP Election, 11-8-2011

In conjuction with the Tulsa FOP, Sam Cirri, TWU514 President, agreed to make this information available to the members, to help you make a more educated decision on the vote.


Joe McGill
TWU514 COPE Committee


Vote to hire a professionally-trained City Manager and help protect our tax dollars from having a political mayor single- handedly making costly decisions, and changing the form of government to one that is

less adversarial. Vote to reduce the number of elections Tulsa holds and save our

tax dollars.

Read what the experts say:

Competitive Cities: A Report Card on Efficiency in Service

Delivery in America’s Largest Cities


“There are many possible interpretations of why factors may have the effects we found. A few include: Manager vs. Mayor: Perhaps city managers, without the political pressure of running for office, can more readily focus on efficient operations of city services.

Note that of the factors we were able to evaluate, the one that most influenced efficiency by far was city manager vs. elected mayor governance structures—cities with city managers are far more likely to be efficient.”

Tulsans for a Professional Government is made up of hundreds of Tulsans who believe that Tulsa has a bright future and that we need a more balanced government run by a professional City Manager to ensure we reach our full potential.

Since the ballot we have to vote on has two different propositions labeled Proposition 1, we have provided you a sample ballot on the reverse side to help you make a more informed decision.

NOW is the time to make Tulsa better and to start on the right track to make Tulsa better for all Tulsans.

Vote for a better Tulsa!