FYI – Title I and Title V RIF Update Extended Accept/Decline deadline to Monday 11-19-2012 @ 10am CST


The members that were impacted by the reduction in force had an original accept/decline that was going to close today 10:00 am CST.  With that said,the company has extended the accept decline window until Monday until 10:00 am CST. 

We understand there were a few errors during the processing of the options and they have all been identified and are corrected.   This will give our folks plenty of time to make their choices.  

Lastly we received calls throughout the day yesterday from members who were identified as at risk (possible displacement) who also put in option sheets.  When they went to the computer they were unable to open up the link to access their accept/decline option.  If that was the case that means they were either not displaced yet and they may be impacted in round 2 or their RIF notice is in the process of being rescinded.  Below is a screen shot that shows the instructions for the accept/decline – please note the comment with asterisks ****if you were not informed of an award, you will either be processed in round 2 or be rescinded***  

If you have members that are being laid off to the street they will receive a letter stating that they are laid off.

If you have members that have not been notified by management or cannot access the actual accept/decline option as stated above they will be processed in round 2 or will be notified that their RIF notice is being rescinded. 

If you have members that are having other problems or have questions have their supervisor send an email to and they will respond back to them.



 Don V