Letter from TWU-ATD to AA on Prefunding.

June 24, 2014

Mr. Stephen Johnson
Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs
American Airlines Group
PO Box 619616, MD 5675 Fort Worth, TX  75261-9616

Mr. Paul Jones Senior
Vice President General Counsel
PrefendungLetter-6-24-2014American Airlines Group
PO Box 619616, MD 5675 Fort Worth, TX  75261-9616


This writing is a request for information regarding the nonperformance of certain aspects of the current bargaining agreements that exist between the New American Airlines and the seven contract groups that are represented by the Transport Workers Union of America.

Pursuant to Article 41 and attachment 41.1 “Employee and Company Prefunding Contributions” contained in all seven CBA’s that were a product of the 1113 Bankruptcy process for the following title groups:  Fleet Service, Aviation Maintenance Technicians and Plant Maintenance Employees, Material Logistics Specialist, Flight Dispatchers, Ground School Instructors and Pilot Simulator Instructors, Flight Simulator Technicians and the Maintenance Control Technicians. More specifically, our area of concern is with regard to the prosecution of the 1114 process as it relates to the refunding of the companies contributions of the prefunding trust funds to active employees who agreed to give up their retiree medical plan in order to obtain those matching funds.

Therefore, it is our belief that those monies should be returned to all active employees who participated in the retiree prefunding medical plan as specified in the bargaining agreements. If the management team at the New American disagrees with our interpretation of what we agreed to during the 1113 negotiation process that culminated in the seven signed agreements dated September 12, 2012, please provide us with whatever documentation that you relied on to formulate your opinion.

Thank you for your time and consideration with regard to this urgent matter.

David J. Virella
International Representative AA System Coordinator

2014_June_24 Ltr to AA re Prefunding